· By Cool Cats
What is Freeze Dried pet food.
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Nibbles and Paws Freeze dry
Freeze drying what is it and why freeze dried pet food or even for us humans ?
The most common use for freeze drying is astronaut food or even the humble instant noodles.
What is freeze dried pet food?
Freeze drying isn't rocket science and have been here since as old as 1906, it is a method of freezing food so cold that it removes moisture through a process called sublimation. Doing so locks in all the nutrients and creating a high quality pet food that is not only light weight but shelf stable that can last a long time.
How is Nibbles and Paws freeze dried pet food made?
We source all of our raw proteins locally around Australia, once sourced we process, cut, cook and only then freeze dried the our products on a freeze dryer machine.
Learn more about the process on this video
Why should you consider freeze dried pet food?
Unlike dehydration where approximately 80% of moisture is removed, freeze drying can go up to 98% - 99% keeping it fresh for longer. Lastly, freeze drying retains approximately 97% of nutrients so even after hydrating it with water, you can have a product that is close to or when it was still fresh.
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